Wednesday, November 3, 2010


His costume was extremely serious.  There was no smiling for pictures.

Trick or treating was so fun.  Bryan knocked on the doors.  (By saying "knock, knock")

He picked out his candy.  (he picked Starbursts even though I tried to teach him to go for the chocolate)

Come on Daddin!

He counted all of his candy.  When we asked for a piece, he politely yelled, "NO!  MINE!"

Happy  Halloween!!

P.S.  We carved pumpkins too.


  1. LOVE IT!! You are queen of the Halloween costumes. I mean seriously...a little matador from Spain last year and a gladiator from Rome this year...hmmm...what international flavor will little B have next year? I can't wait to find out! :-)

  2. I agree with Jenny, you are so great with the costumes. Very impressive.
